Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yeah, getting in touch with old peeps, all right...

It's taken so long, now that I've found it I believe.  But wait, that's a song lyric.  Billy Joe Shaver to be specific.  And yeah, I do that tune.  "Old Five and Dimers Like Me".  So apropos.  So je ne C'est quoi...  That's it.  I got nothing.  No not really.  The beginning of all of this is the consistent writing along with getting the techno gizmo tools in working and semi productive order.  After that tis just a matter of staying on all of it until I can find my way to proceed as the way opens, as William Least Heat Moon put it in Riverhorse. 

So I am just experimenting, being the walking dude and making my way toward being the writin' dude and eventually doing what I have been kicking around in my mind and dreams to do since I was probably 16, or thereabouts.  And here I am now: A Working Class Hero of the counterculture looks at 60.  Mon dieu.  There you go Mrs. Kilo, I did have a little more spontaneous Francais in me.  But not much more.  No, really, this time it's true.

Cleveland Public Library- "The People's University" I believe they used to call it.  Maybe they still do.  I will be getting down here as long as it seems to help me get my Mojo back- and it does seem to be doing some good right now here on day one of the renewel of serious organizing efforts.  I am struggling right now to just get caught up on the variations on a Daily Thou and attaining that lofty achievement for two days in a row, on average.  And this post will include a little book looking.  Three I've found on the New Books shelf in the History Department:
  1. First is Revival by Richard Wolfe, which you can price shop and by at  and looks to be a good read about the Obama who has become now the incumbent President looking to get re-elected and trying to navigate running his Administration in the face of the un believable onslaught of the Republican obstrutionism, Well funded Tea Party wack job ascendancy, and the ongoing noise machinery of the hard funded Right of the Koch Brothers not to mention the asinine Republican Presidential media blitz, wherein we are told that the policies that brought us directly from Prop 13 in 1979 to the Great and ongoing Recession of 2008-2012, and counting- why those policies are just the medicine the economy needs so that the job creators... you know, the Mergers and Acquisition guys and the off shoring jobs and profits guys... the Mitt Romney's and his ilk at Bain and all the others that have been the Bain (sic) of the working class since the 70's- why hell, those fellows are just dying to get us all back to work and fighting for the Middle Class and the little guy like they always really have been.  You just couldn't  tell that's what they were doing till they were able to tell you in a commercial paid for with some of their handy dandy Citizens United Caishe-ola.  And everybody has a share, right Milo?  But I digress.  Book the next is...
  2. How Racism Takes Place by George Lipsitz, which, no disrespect intended, I think may be correctly pronounced "Lip Shits".  Which is kind of funny.  But anyway, the reason I picked it up is because Obama's election and the hard right white reaction to his Presidency brings us to much with no real notice by mainstream media rigor (I'm kidding, of course) since Reagan's mythological leadership (more noise machine of course than substance, but that is the massage, after all, isn't it?) and now has the Republican Right and the Big funders protecting the .1 percenters and the corporate global oligarchies they control running rough shod over voting rights in every manner they can all the while the real voter frauds of Diebold, the 2000 Supreme Court installation of Sonnie Dubya, and the Mississippi-ization of the whole American economy- outside the gated communities of the aforementioned .1 percenters of course... anuwho, again I ramble.  But the book looks worth perusing and again can be found and bought at  And finally...
  3.  The New Mole, Paths of the Latin American Left by Emir Sader- which is one I will actually check out and see how much I get through.  It is a subject matter that has always drawn me, from the days of Father Kevin- who is one of the Peeps I must contact, to Milton, to the Mexican Bidness, to the great classes at SDSU in the Latin Studies Dept, to Sylvia to Liz to Costa Rica and Sylvan himself, one true Rum drinking Reggae singing buddie if there ever was one.  And of course Gato.  The last time I almost played serious soccer.  You'd a been proud of me, Coach H..  Anyway, check this one out at

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Really really really ridiculously really reeling in the years...

... But I can't even begin to let that confront me none at all. Here are some notes on what the hell to do from here:
  1. Get over your freaking self and lighten up and live. Get your mojo back again one more time play that song one more time;
  2. Get the basement together for music gatherings and small parties;
  3. Try to communicate with Bobby for real about collaborating somehow someway;
  4. Start the arduous task of contacting everybody you possibly can to see who might get involved with dialogD efforts;
  5. Get that there Resume updated and out there and talk to Ronnie about manufacturing and marketing his "Best Damn Organic Fertilizer in the Whole Dad Burned Organic World" on the Internet. Talk to Bobby about getting in on it and bringing his expertise to the table on developing the Web Site for it...
  6. Don't let the sabbatical from gambling keep you depressed much longer. In nine months or so you will have your own money back and you can take a much better trip than any of the AC or shit hole gaming junkets have been. And, if you want, you can get back into gambling in a different way. Or take your chances again the old ways. Just relax and have fun;
  7. And finally, get re-immersed in your work soon as you can start believing again and then take it to that place where you really want to get it and make something of all of that finally.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Too busy for whatever it is...

...I'm trying to get to. It won't be long though. Lot's of editing of my own crap and filtering of the stuff and people I come across in my research and start commenting on and communicating with. We shall see where it leads. Into the bush or out of the bush... No reference to this or any previous administration. JDI JDI is all they is and there ain't no more.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Melding the personal and the political...

...trying to approach the two and "the writin'" in a way that doesn't ring falsely or become too self absorbed on either count. It has been a long time that i have wanted to do the reconecting with many many old friends. Always a little daunting and scary. Or it can be. Well this whole Blog and Web 4.0 shit I am going to be experimenting with just has to be done at some point. Waded into.
Ah well. Here's to at least regular posting and re-upping the level of investment in personal time and treasure into what I still sometimes refer to as "my work".
It is a year before the `08 Presidential Election. Commenting on that to a point will allow ample segue-ing into the political side of what my writing is directed at, The dialogD stuff and advocacy and beseeching...
The personal sometimes does overlap that but often not on the surface. Most people are just so apolitically turned off. But that has largely been a function of just bding so turned off to the reality of mainstream politics and the frustration of even conceiving of changing things and or making a difference. But largely it is even more a function of many of us opposed to politics and business as usual being able to a afford to, on a personal and economic level, simply turn off to and wash our hands of the whole unpleasant disgustingness of it all. I don't think we really ever could afford to do that and abdicate our responsibility for what is done supposedly for our collective benefit- but since 911 and this 8 year Neocon Debacle of an Administration I don't think there is any doubt that now is the time to come up with something different- "Something completely different..." as far as a different kind of path into our societal, cultural, political, and economic future.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Actually trying to reconnect with...

various friends from different phases and stages of life- most of whom don't know each other. But I feel like they could, must, or should just because they have you know, the friendship with me in common. The idea of being honest with any or all of them about where I'm at or been or whatever is a little scary... but the idea of everybody I'd like to communicate with having an open interactive forum on this Blog is even more daunting. However, I am just going to play with the format and possibilities ans see if it leads anywhere.

Back in the day, way way back before the Internet and E mail I used to write the occasional letter. Such communication was at times a big reason for some of the relationships and connections and bonds with the people written to being good and strong and long term freinds- lifelong friends in some cases. And not so long in some cases- many cases even one could say- simply because the communication waned. Which happens. Life goes on. And I know that. Salgo lo que salgo.

But maybe it's also just because as this communication revolution that technology has facilitated has rolled through our lives it's easier to communicate half assedly and harder to really say anything real to the people you'd most like to, you know, keep it real with. So to the extent that this effort, and this part of me trying to get my own writing and miscellaneous other creative efforts unclogged, something will come of this. It's not like various kinds of "social networks" aren't all over the place and part of peoples lives. I think what I am trying to do though is to interpolate back some towards people I have already known and been tight with on one level or another and say hey, what is up. Join this experiment. And see where it might lead.

Iffy Shit This...

But I am going to try and see where this might lead.